This post explains how to embed nonlinear Quantum Electrondynamics (QED) processes into the Particle-In-Cell code under local constant field approximation (LCFA).
本篇主要讲述如何将 QED 的散射截面,通过蒙特卡洛的方法嵌入到 PIC 模拟程序当中。不涉及散射截面的具体推导,且仅限于非线性 QED 的一阶过程。
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom scipy.integrate import quadimport numpy as npfrom scipy.special import kvdef odWdw(w,eta): term1 = ( 2.0+ w**2/(1.0-w) ) * kv(2/3,2.0*w/3.0/eta/(1.0-w)) term2 =-quad(lambda x: kv(1/3,x),2.0*w/3.0/eta/(1.0-w),np.inf,limit=1000,limlst=1000)[0]return term1+term2OMEGA = np.linspace(0.01,0.99,200)dWdtdw_eta1 = np.array([odWdw(w,1) for w in OMEGA])dWdtdw_eta5 = np.array([odWdw(w,5) for w in OMEGA])dWdtdw_eta10 = np.array([odWdw(w,10) for w in OMEGA])plt.plot(OMEGA,dWdtdw_eta1,label=r'$\chi_e=1$')plt.plot(OMEGA,dWdtdw_eta5,label=r'$\chi_e=5$')plt.plot(OMEGA,dWdtdw_eta10,label=r'$\chi_e=10$')plt.xlabel(r'$\omega$')plt.ylabel(r'$d^2W/d\omega dt$')plt.legend()plt.yscale('log')plt.ylim([1.0e-5,1.0e3])
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